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All Saints Academy

19 West 13th Street
Bayonne, New Jersey 07002
Phone: 201-443-8384


Through “Faith, Respect, Service, and Academics”, All Saints Catholic Academy strives to instill and strengthen a love of faith and ethics in the Catholic tradition, as well as prepare students to be active participants and problem solvers in a global economy.


  • The total education of the student depends on the student, parents, teachers, priests, and the entire community working in cooperation with each other.
  • Our students are knowledgeable of and model the life and teachings of Jesus. Our students are charitable to others and responsible for their own actions through faith formation, prayer, worship as a community, and service to others.
  • We foster a lifelong love of learning in our students.
  • Students are taught to value the uniqueness of each person, to develop the skills necessary to live in a diverse society, and to treat all people with dignity and respect.
  • We engender a positive learning experience so that the students are empowered to become independent, thinking, active members of society.

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